At the centre of Slapstick’s satirical comedy strand is Stanley Kubrick’s award – winning visionary cinematic satire of the cold war. Stanley Kubrick’s dark satire follows the chaos after an unhinged US general orders a nuclear strike on the Soviet Union. As both nations scramble to prevent Armageddon, Peter Sellers delights in multiple roles, alongside George C. Scott, Slim Pickens, and James Earl Jones. Even though now 60 years old, Dr. Strangelove remains razor-sharp and worryingly relevant.
Is Satire Dead? Navigating the Madness of Modern Politics
This screening will be followed by an onstage panel discussion hosted by presenter Samira Ahmed, discussing the place of satire in the 21st century with panellists including: Anil Gupta (Kumars at no 59, Goodness Gracious Me, The Office), Mike (McGear) McCartney (The Scaffold) and more TBA.
Event will include a 10-minute break.
Film £10/Panel £10 ( limited discounted seats are available for £15 including both)