My Grandmother (1929)

Date: Wednesday 26th January 2022
Time: 3:30pm
Venue: Watershed
Map: Watershed
Price: £8.50/£6.00

Dir: Kote Mikaberidze Soviet Union 80mins

My Grandmother’ is an avant-garde gem of early Soviet Union filmmaking, banned for almost 50 years for some not so subtle political criticism.

This experimental film is an incredibly sophisticated piece of silent cinema. Following his sacking, our protagonist, a lazy pen-pusher, must seek out a benefactor, a “grandmother” in the slang of the day, and make them write a letter of recommendation for him to return to his job.

Director Kote Mikaberidze has created an incredibly euphoric film, blending together animated sequences, modern editing techniques, bold satire and absurdist set designs.

With a recorded introduction from actor and early Russian cinema enthusiast Paul McGann, My Grandmother will also feature live piano accompaniment by John Sweeney.

my grandmother 1929