I Don’t Want to be a Man

I Don’t Want to be a Man (1918)


Date: Saturday 22 April
Time: 11.30 hrs
Venue: Waterside 3 at Watershed
Price: £8.50
Dir: Ernst Lubitsch
Germany (1918), 45 mins, cert TBA

With a live piano accompaniment from Meg Morley and an introduction from internationally respected film historian Pamela Hutchinson

A rare chance to see an early comedy short by a director widely regarded as one of cinema’s all-time greats, Ernst Lubitsch.

In this raucous, flirtatious film, a boisterous teenage girl (Ossi Oswalda) becomes so tired of being bossed about she decides to pose as a man on a night out to see if it’s more fun, only to discover that while it does have its high points it also results in complications.

With a live piano accompaniment from Meg Morley and an introduction from Pamela Hutchinson.


A unique panel discussion about gender representation in film with the internationally respected film historian Pamela Hutchinson, the award-winning performer, filmmaker and playwright Malaika Kegode, pianist Meg Morley and Bristol’s reigning City Poet Kat Lyons.

I Dont Want To Be A Man 1919