Harold Lloyd in Safety Last! (1923)
With specially recorded introductions from Suzanne Lloyd and Vic Armstrong
Date: Saturday 1 April 2023
Time: 20:00 hrs
Venue: St George’s Bristol
Price: From £10
Dir: Fred Neymeyer and Sam Taylor
USA (1923), 74 mins, cert U
The clock sequence in Safety Last! is arguably the best known of any in a silent comedy. Genuinely dangerous, too, as it was shot high up on the side of real LA skyscapers and using clever camera angles and a series of platforms still creates a sense of peril in audiences today as the witness Harold’s long climb to the top.
But the scene is only one of the reasons this film regularly appears on Funniest Film Ever lists. Lloyd sparks laugh after laugh with his over-ambitious efforts to make it in the big city so that he can marry his home-town sweetheart (Mildred Davis).
And this screening will be extra special – showing here exactly 100 years to the day of its first release and with live accompaniment by a trio of stellar musicians, The Stephen Horne Trio and with a special guest host (to be announced).
Don’t miss this special centenary screening of an undisputed comedy masterpiece.
Post Event Notice
A hugely successful sell-out event at St Georges celebrating Lloyd’s classic thrill picture 100 years to the day of it’s original release.