A Few Reviews

Has it really been five days since the festival ended? Just thought I’d post few links to some reviews and articles that were written about our events!

Please make sure you read a summary of the festival from Festival Director, Chris Daniels, that is available on our homepage. It’s great to read just how much of an audience we’ve reached this year! I spoke to an audience member a few days ago who attended the Gala and had never seen a silent film before in its entirety.  She’s taken the festival programme as a guide to investigate more films – what a great thing to happen! I’m sure that’s just a small example of what’s happened over the past week!

Chortle, a comedy news website, wrote about two of our events recently. Barry Cryer’s conversation about Tommy Cooper was one of our events on Sunday, and the article can be found here. They also wrote about things you might not have known about The Young Ones that were discussed in our sold-out event with Alexei Sayle, Nigel Planer, Lise Mayer and Marcus Brigstocke.

Bristol 24/7 has a great write-up about our Chaplin Double Bill. You can read that article here.

Finally, make you you have a read of Paul Joyce’s blog about the Gala!

The festival might be over for this year, but reading these articles is a great way to relive some of those events!