Hooray For Harold Lloyd, Barry Cryer and Friends!

Sun 24th Jan | St. George’s | 2:30PM
Tickets: £15.00/£12.00/£6.00 (plus booking fee)
Join us for a classic double bill of Lloyd’s finest onscreen comedy hosted by ‘king of the one liners’ and national treasure Barry Cryer. Harold appears in two of his finest comedy shorts ‘Now or Never’ (US 1921, 35mins) and ‘I Do’ (US 1921, 25mins). In addition Barry will be joined onstage by fellow ‘I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue’ team mates Jeremy Hardy and Tim Brooke-Taylor who will lead a ‘Kazooalong’ audience accompaniment to two additional animated shorts including a rare Felix the Cat short. A delightful classic silent comedy double bill with a twist of clue. With live musical accompaniment from multi-instrumentalist Stephen Horne.